Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Six days more till paradise.Can't wait.I want to go shopping,mocking,Talking craps and much more.Thank God,the examination gonna ended next weeks around 3.05 p.m.Just can't wait but this times no planning just do it.

Enough with the nonsense craps of writing.Today,I admitted it.The science and Agama exam was hard but I managed to completes it,last minutes.Gracias to Ashwan caused helping me doing the Teng Teng Teng thing.*laughing  Hey,what kind of friend that unhelpful,right?!Science was the first exam subjects and followup with agama.Damn to Jakan and Erika yang tak abek exam tamil.Diorang dudok lepak goyang jubur jeh.*gurau

For tomorrow I am ready and for the past days i was upsets.-written by me,your truly