Thursday, 28 October 2010

Bungle lungle

Admitted it,all of you,people.Maths is fucking hard today.All of those loci moci are craps.Ouh..I wish i've smarter brains but I don't so, whatever.Anyway,after school today,Tchr.Iswanty pandang kerek kat aku.aku rasa sebab dia tahu aq meniru waktu maths tadi!*huhu desperate times called for a desperate measure,I'm desperate.So,any kind of shortcuts that i could used,I used lol.

Beside that awful task, I took today.There still enjoyment to cheer me up when I'm down caused of  the tantrum  send by man up stair to me*Allah of caused.The fun getting  more hilarious as FreakQueen(Musfirah Nabihah) asked me to shouted just to get everyone around us attention as if she's the Queen.*Hantu dia loh
Funnier as Sir.Azizul replied  to me about what i asked to him."CIkgu,Aiman tanya?!CIkgu cute kew?"I said to Sir Azizul then he replied"Dia...cute kew?"Teha, Me and Satey Rawk laughed.Teha"Weh,Cikgu cakap,Ko cute kew?"at Aiman.Bullshit funny those people.Hahah

Miss ya'll Bull very much...

PS Apeet Tomorrow I pay you loh