Saturday, 28 May 2011

Arrogance wont win you anything

Morning Fucking Ray of Sunshine.
I never thought I'll we never blog anymore.
For an Odd reason I think life influenced me to do so.
Even though its a two weeks holiday but we Budak Sekolah
Kene pergi sekolah for the first week and then be rebellious the next week. LOL

Yesterday was spent with enormous fun. 
I'd told what I did in the recent entry. You can always go back and relived the past in this world

I'm not a Kpop fan but I do likes their's dramas and comedies. South Korean are very cultural and I adore that.
A friend of mine Zulfiqar is a huge die hard fans of Kpop. 
I don't know why but with the sudden interest in Kpop making him more and more stylow thought.
Don't forget Apeet, He is also a KPOP fans.
He once shared with me a video while we were Chatting at YM.
A Kpop Music Video.
Look here