Selamat Maal Hijrah kepada Seluruh Followers dan dear readers yang tak jemu membaca blog yang ta seberapa nih.Moga doa korunk dan azam tahun baru nih di makbulkan oleh yang maha esa.-AmirSaidi
Nampaknya sekarang dah masuk tahun baru buat seluruh umat Islam seluruh Dunia.Actually,this year I'm not gonna make any new wishes and determination becuz last year nya pun belum fulfill lagi.I just wanna say how much Good moments i have this year with all my best dudes and all my ladies friends.Yeah,Its awesome and fun while it last.So,anyway hoped all of you enjoy your holidazle cause Im not enjoying mine.Hahah I just sit here at home doing nothing but FB-ing,Twittering and much of anything that had something to do with my laptop and internet.It official that around march maybe me,MUHAMMAD AMIR SAIDI IS DEAD by all means stating that all my twitter,all my facebook and blogs that i have going to be OFFLINE FOREVER and dever and Mick Gaver!understand.May all be in peace!