Starting The Class with feeling and a lots of thought in a mind
Days gone by,its seen like just yesterday i started schooling here.Yes,3/01/2010,the day I've become 14teen.The first day of school in Form 2,really make me exaggerated and increased my Level of Nervousity to walk on trough the doors beside me,colored blue with a satisfaction that cannot be satisfied by anything.But after knowing, I'll be in the same class as my fellow classmate from last years ,all of my exaggeration can finally put to rest now.Feeling relieve and at peace.The first day was all about intros,background check and shaking hands.There's nothing else than meeting new peoples and Just being friends with them.Even-though i was in the First class,I was never happy and really Hard to smiles because there's always Egos and aishshebah(means poyos) in every eyes.What the hack with them!Haishh That's what you gets when being the with the 1st People.Moreover,There's always Tomorrow ,right as tomorrow never die or asleep.
Examination = Brain Damaged
Living summers and came the autumns as Life's taking another big steps to moon.mid-years and finals just around the corner.Studying doesn't suit me well,FYI. I'm more to Box office learning.Books are merely enemies than a friends.
When the examination started,3 things comes into my mind,God(Allah),Failing and confusion.If I only studied than i can answered all the question given by Her and Him.Exam ended flour becomes Bullets and Friends become Targets.An awesome tradition makes by only us ,the student to symbolized happiness,break-trough and FREEDOM from every each of Sheets written and and sometimes typed by foolish.Every agreed it was hard and ass hurting.But that doesn't stop us,We've friends to asked answers with and changing the answers with.This make us a bit more socialize in the world of examination.
Freedom celebration and Sins activation
Finally,I can let out the pain from my chest.Finally breathing the fresh airs around us.When that freedoms was given there only one solution for its.HANG-OUT!Clearing our mind from hell and homes.fell like "thinking" finally left the building. Feel like flying across the states ,talking and partying all nights till it was nothing more than just that!.hihi.Last time,I hang-out with my best pals was at Mid.Its was fun till it lasted..
The saddest parts of the months..