Anyway,today was Khamis aka holiday and I'm bored,people! Give me some remedies for this boredom.*haishh
...I don't think life should be boring or straight. Why don't you "belok" a bit and be ridiculous,funny and simply saying having the gleeful time of your life! Sometimes just shake what your Momma Give Ya!
Thursday, 4 November 2010
Basically,today was another funky days as Its all about laughing out loud.It was fun till it lasted.I've had the most incredible times of my life's.Instead of being around with my fellows 2 Anggeriks, I've been hooked-up with my bums at 2 Melati. Believe it or not,Teha interviewed me and Ida Syamiza Khaled or Khaled96 with a sweet and everything nice questions.The interview was enjoyable until the background music was a bit odd and I believe some BUTT never sit.Hoped I record the whole interview using my own Phone but I accidentally lost my 017 simcards.Careless accidents.I don't really mind losing it because kindda dah muak ngan 6ber uh,anyway.Beside that worst interviews by reporter tak bertauliah,We continued the fun with a Dancing segment with Teha,Apeet,Aqil,Aiman.Those people,really know how to danced in the wackiest way of caused.