My BFF,Fee told me next year she wants to continue her studies at segar's.Asked her, why?She replied caused there,they had a lots of schools activities like choirs stuff.*she told me a lots of stuff but i can only remember one of the many stuff she told me .
She urged me to follow her next year to schooling at Segar's .At first,I said i don't want caused Segar's had many problems such as Sexual problems and I just don't want to cought-up in that massive trouble and surely my mum's not going to agrees about it either.My mum are orang kuat agama.Therefor,i know she will never agrees about me change schools to Segar's.*percayalah.But I made a promise to Fee that i would ask my mum ,just incase she changed her mind about Segar's."MAYBE" she agrees about it.Okay.
Enough of that Segar.Now we need to bugar our self caused tomorrow is the last exam day.Meaning Khamis Rabu HOLYSHITDAY.Cannot made-up my mind about where I'll be going and with who I'll be going with.There's many craps to think and other shits to solve...HUHU*stupidity comes in small packages and I just got that packages loh.