Wednesday, 10 November 2010

AT the sandbox.Feeling kindda disorder.

Favorite's even its kindda blurry :D

I had the most enjoying moments of my life ,today.We played Uno,Toyol,Rebut kerusi and many more just to fill our last times together as a form2.I think, I'm the one with the big laughs.I was laughing so hard till the Paris tower falls to the ground*lying.There's a video I record but currently cannot be upload caused of the problems with my internet connections.Damn! Haishh.

Situation:I was playing Uno's with The gang.
And  its my turn.I put all of my  double cards
 .Teha was the one after me.

Me:*laughing Ambek ko.
Teha:Karma Doesn't exist and god is fair .
Uno time

 Than we played an traditional games called Toyol.At first,I was really like Toyol?ko nak buat apew ngan dia?.Ain and Ida,who the one introduced us with the games.
Its a simple game.Really!
We're playing it with focus.Sapa yang tak focus sumpah tak seronok main game nih.
Adalah sampai beberapa yang kene sakit jantung main game nih.

Lastly,Rebut kerusi.Kidda fuck about the games caused my butts hurts .Haishh