Monday, 8 November 2010

Ada anjing gong gong gong kepattahek,Buka pintu,buka pintu heh!

      Basically,Today was  Extra ordinary and I guess can be put another Heavenly day for me.Guess what?i got my Maths and Science finals results and its doesn't come out well.For maths,which, i really hated a lot,i got a D.Really frustrated and annoyed cause i know if Eda(The Reaper) know this,I'd gonna be dead.Believe me!She gonna uses her big-mouths to make me fall deeply into the center of EARTH.
      For sciences I got the flying colors.75%  but Ibu kandung (Cikgu Anisah) promised me earlier at school to give me extra 5 marks "IF" I send my presentations tomorrow before dawn.Feeling like was given blessed by God trough Ibu kandung.THANK YOU MOTHER NATURE,PEOPLE!!I love you mum!Xoxo a lot with ya.hahahha
      The good news,today Miss Sarsaparilla was absent and guess where I'd lepak tadi?At 2 Melati ofcause!Where Mads are born and created.Believe me =,="
*activities done there:
  • Karaoke competition with Teha.I won >,<"
  •  Interviewed
  • Singing Bad Romance.My voice was like Gaga!a lot
  • Bla Bla-ing with the gang.Topic:Page at Fb that unappropriated like the page Mazlah Terlampau and I hate Semekar.What the used of this page!korang benci pun ,korang still blajar kat sini.
  • Record Aiman menari. Really SEXY,gotta say.

Ketidak mahuan ingin pemergian keSekolahan.

"Weh,Ida!aku dengar yang ko tak dengar apa yang aku nak dengar selepas aku dengar yang perkara tuh belaku selepas korang dengar yang aku rasa aku dah dengar"0.0" pelik!!!!